Code of Conduct and Ethics |
It is hereby declared that the member, employees and all Licensees of SA Online will at all times adhere to the following code of conduct and code of ethics. |
- To use computer technology and services to solve business problems for many different type of clients.
- To help eliminate confusion arising from computing terminology and accept the responsibility for educating the layman in this regard.
- To improve skills and technical performance of data processing management and personnel.
- To create an honest mutual business association with clients to the financial benefit of both.
- To behave at all time with integrity. A member or employee will not knowingly lay claim to a level of competence not possessed and will at all times exercise competence at least to the level claimed.
- To inform our client in an honest way of our products and to express the terms of any agreements clearly and precisely and than fulfil these agreements in good faith.
- To accept the responsibility of assisting our customers towards effective information processing solutions.
- To act with impartiality when purporting to give independent advice and must disclose any relevant interests.
- To accept full responsibility for any work undertaken and will construct and deliver that which has been agreed upon.
- To encourage professional behaviour and a high standard of service to clients to ensure that the employees are acquainted with the code.
- To not engage in discriminatory practises in activities on any basis whatsoever.
- To promote the effective use of data processing as an instrument for social and economic good, and to counter the confusions and misconceptions that sometimes accompany the use of computers.
- To pledge our organisation to be a good corporate citizen, fulfilling its responsibilities to the communities, which it serves, as well as the broader community in which we operate.
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