Welcome to Incopho ICT
Incopho ICT is dedicated to the important subject of website security. The threats are well known and well publicized – hacking, viruses, spyware, data losses and the surrounding publicity – yet how to prepare for and prevent such business problems remains a challenge. Consequences for failing to be ready can be very high, including losing the ability to accept credit cards, loss of customer financial data, identity theft, hacking, viruses etc.
For this reason, Incopho ICT has partnered with HackerSafe to ensure your website is secure. HackerSafe offers you automated network security audits combined with an extensive vulnerability management portal.
To date hackersafe has conducted more than 20 million scans for our customers. Over 80,000 web sites rely on hackersafe's daily vulnerability assessments for protection from hackers and third-party certification of their security. Hackersafe's advanced vulnerability discovery and management technology provides a highly effective security solution with an ROI proven in more than 1,000 published studies.