Symbolic Safety Signs are used to inform people of important information or required actions and can be found around the workplace, shopping centers and even at home. Safety signs are used to maintain the well-being of people. It is important that we are aware of the meaning and purpose of the signs and interpret them consistently. In the past, safety signs have been designed to industry specifics and requirement types. Often signs contained words which some people where unable to understand either through illiteracy or unfamiliarity with the two official languages. We now use an internationally standard symbol system that can be easily understood. The International Standards Organisation, of which South Africa is a member, has published recommendations on the use of symbolic safety signs. With this information as the base, the South African Bureau of Standards has designed a range of safety signs that should be used nationally. The signs are divided into four categories. Each type is recognisable by colour and shape. specialises in the manufacturing of standard and custom safety signs. We deliver country wide. With free delivery for orders over R200.